Wedding is all about romance. Your first look, first dance, big commitment and small gestures contribute to make your big day great leaving the guests with lifelong memories. For both of you, it is a day that you want to celebrate in full colors shaping all the wishes; and, making it the most romantic is the choice of every couple. You may not have enough time and knowledge of latest trends to plan the best romantic wedding as you ever want but an experienced, efficient and knowledgeable wedding event planner can help you from start until the last. Hiring the best among the top wedding planners in India is not a tough task because of online facilities but to seal the deal for the trend setting wedding event, you must have idea of – ‘what is trending for romantic wedding?’
Lighting to Make the Environment Romantic: Lighting at wedding and ceremony venues is an important part of decoration as it transforms the feel of place and on ongoing events. Lighting is not a costly affair; it can be managed even in the constraint budget. The wow-worthy light fixtures make your romantic mood burst out. The ‘Love Sign’ lets everyone know that you have found your love. Using candlelit lanterns is the latest trend to evoke romantic setting at any wedding venue. Using bistro lights over wedding lounge area, dancing floor and reception tables brings an instant charm. The clear-top reception tent covered with multiples draped light strands is a fantastic idea to celebrate the romantic wedding moments feeling as being under the sky full of twinkling stars. Use of chandeliers not only adds glamour to venue but it also makes you feel like ‘royal romantic lover’
Scent scape Your wedding Day: Scent scaping is the trending buzzword in romantic luxury wedding set ups but it can be adapted for budget wedding plans also. Smell is a powerful sense evoking the emotions, but it is often overlooked because of reserving more funds for food, music, looks and other. Use of freesia bouquets, verbena candles or lavender centre pieces fuels up your romantic mood.
Ambient Wedding Music: Certainly, some of your guests would love to jump on the dance floor to celebrate the moments in big mood but before switching on those favorite dancing tunes, the perfectly chosen (up to the taste of both) wedding music with dreamy feel will set the atmosphere ideally in which you want to welcome your ‘love’. Why don’t you explore the valentine music collection to pick the best that touches your hearts?
Plan For Sweetheart Table: Panning specially for sweetheart table is often missed by wedding event planners; don’t let this happen. Perfect planning for sweetheart table creates an intimate and chatty atmosphere that lamps up your romance. Special marks for the special guests accompanying you both during the dinner must know their seats. Using the favorite color flowers in front of ‘Mr. and Mrs.’ mark makes you feel special. Al the guests joining you at dining table must be informed in advance.
Choose A Romantic Wedding Venue: Destination wedding is the rising trend in India; and, Jaipur in Rajasthan comes at top among the budget locations. Although, the good wedding planners have capabilities to turn any venue according to your mood through theme decoration, but, location, available space and structure also contribute to make the occasion grand. Chomu Palace, Lebua Resort, The Raj Palace, Shahpura Haveli, Jai Mahal Palace etc are the top romantic wedding venues in Jaipur.
Don’t Limit Your Options Just To Top 10 Wedding Planners In India:
Yes, everyone wants to make the wedding day the greatest in every way but everyone has some budget planning also in parallel. Just chasing the top 10 wedding planners in India, as is listed by Google, may not a be right approach. The wedding event planner must have experience of organizing the events at your wedding destination. The best reputed wedding planner in Udaipur may not be a perfect choice for hiring the best wedding planner in Jaipur; the knowledge of locals makes the difference to performance.
Set your preferences with budget frames before initiating the search for the best performing wedding event planner; discuss every aspect in detail to make him understand clear the fixed and last time probable responsibilities and roles before sealing the deal.